Book a Free Consultation by April 30th
& Get a Free Mini Bouquet

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Your dentures are five years old or older OR
  • You need to get your first dentures


  • You are a mother (and deserve flowers) OR
  • You have a mother (who would love flowers or would like you to have flowers)


How The Promotion Works:

  • Please call Royal Denture Clinic at (403) 338-1014 to book a consultation BY APRIL 30TH.
  • Eligible consultations must be scheduled on one of these three days: Wednesday, May 8th, Thursday, May 9th, or Friday May 10th, 2019.


  • Enjoy your free denture consultation (approximately twenty five minutes), and leave with a mini fresh bouquet of flowers for yourself or to give to mom. (Please note vases not included).

We look forward to meeting you!